2010 m. gruodžio 6 d., pirmadienis

It is the last term when we have English lessons at the university, so it's time to evaluate my achievements on the whole course in Vocabulary, summary writing, online exercises, moodle tests, listening, presentations, and speaking.

The best part of all courses for me was speaking. Discussions in classes were interesting even it was just between few people. I think that I'm talking much better than before and make less mistakes. Equal to speaking was online exercises. Multiple choices were the best of them. Other exercises like filling the gaps wasn’t so good for me, because I don’t like forcing myself to remember something and it was very important to know right vocabulary. So I wasn’t very good in that area the same as ESP vocabulary tests. Of course repeating words each time in the lectures made me to remember most of them and it is very important.

Short talks included writing. i was very interested in searching the information for them. I’m not a hard-working student, so I wasn’t preparing to present my short talks in the classes, but I think that my improvising is quite good. Of course it would be much better if it was done at home.

Writing – is not my favorite part. in my opinion summaries were quite easy because they has structure and quite clear requirements. I am glad of my evaluations of them. Still there are too much spelling mistakes and I think that it is because all the time we use computer for writing and it correct mistakes itself.

I loved listening. I understand English really well ,so I’ve always get the best marks of it. I was able to understand almost everything. I couldn’t say that my listening skills was improved in the lessons. I love to watch movies and read in English so it improved my skills very well. Of course it was easier to listen online listening than traditional listening to cassettes, because the sound was clearer.

The main job of the half year was power point presentations. I had good marks for them. Still it was hard to remember all information and whole vocabulary about the presented themes, but as I’ve already mentioned I like speaking.

In conclusion all of these exercises were useful. I am more advanced in English than I was before. It was interesting course, but I’m happy that it is our last steps to end it.